Wednesday, April 4, 2012

PAD: Day 3

For today’s prompt, there are actually two options, because it’s Tuesday, which means a “Two for Tuesday” prompt. They are:
  • Write an apology poem, or…
  • Write an unapologetic poem.
Your choice. You can be sorry–or not. Or write about someone who is sorry–or not.


It's 9:45. Over an hour late, I'll rush
to the store to get protein shake powder,
power bars and ice tea before willing myself home.
You'll call twice on the way, and I'll miss one.
When we finally talk, my tone short, curt,
ice lodged between my teeth, I'll say I'm driving,
rush off the phone. Oh, okay. Sorry.

No, my son. That would be me. I'm sorry
for always being late. For always having to do this,
this mad race to finish something that will never
get done. I'm sorry for missing your first tennis match,
for missing your lob over the net.
I can move earth and heaven, but not my work schedule.
I'm sorry I can't always say yes.

Sometimes all I have is hope to give you. The hope you
will see me and not be afraid to work. That you will see me
and learn how to care for you, to treat yourself
gently, to steel yourself when necessary.

I will walk into our house tonight. You will see my face
and know what to say. What not to say. You will quickly
clean up the mess you made in the kitchen, offer me a cup
of tea. Give me the movie reel highlights of your day,
the light in your voice flickering. I will sigh. Not because
I am mad. Because I'm sorry I missed it all.

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